School Leaders Speeches

It was such an awesome opportunity for the year fives to listen to the school leader applicants present their speeches on Monday. I was blown away by every single students speech. We heard that being a school leader means being a leader rather than being a boss, helping others, being kind and responsible and much much more.

I was very proud to see so many ex-room six students present speeches and I know that the current room six students feel very inspired to do their absolute best, apply for leadership roles when they can and be great role models for the school after listening to these speeches.

I can't wait to hear who our school leaders will be! They will be announced at the Kauri Assembly this Friday!!!


Anonymous said…
Congratulations to all nominated Year 6 students that gave speeches. It will be exciting to see who gets selected. YOU are ALL Sunnyhills Shining GEMS
Anonymous said…
Some of the school leaders were ex-room 6 pupils...

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