The Great Maths Challenge

This morning Mrs Madden email the Sunnyhills teachers a mathematical challenge to try with our students. At first, we though the answer was straight forward but after calculating and re-calculating we realised it would not be as easy as we thought. 
We pulled out lots of materials (plastic cubes, blocks, counters and tens blocks) to help us try to understand and solve this challenge.

After much brainpower and with the help of our classmates (and teacher) we managed to solve the challenge.

So now, WE CHALLENGE YOU! See if you are able to find the numbers to go in each square and comment your answers below. We will let you know if you are right or if you need to try again.


Anonymous said…
I have figured it out! and Terry confirmed my answer is correct. Haha..
charlie said…
Wow looks really cool. My answers were a=3.5, b=4.5, c=9.5, d=3.5. Four simultaneous equations with four unknowns.
Dhruva said…

To start with it was hard, but we got to it in the end!!

Dhruvas Dad
Dhruva said…

It was hard at the start but we got it in the end!!

Dhruvas Dad
Anonymous said…
Well done Parents!! Awesome learning - well done Room 6?

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