EOTC Rocked!

Room 6 had an amazing time at their EOTC days. Our first day at Eastern Beach was organised and run by the wonderful Auckland Council staff and they ensured that we were all having fun and learning new skills. Our second day was at Vector Wero Water-park where we got to experience white water rafting in a safe environment with well trained staff.

A huge THANK YOU to all of the fantastic parents who came to help us on these days. You made them extra special for us!

Check out our slideshow with pictures for these days here and go to the Sunnyhills Facebook page for more.



Anonymous said…
It was a wonderful day. Great to see you all challenging yourself and inspiring others! Living our values.
Anonymous said…
Look likes so much fun I remember Eastern beach. It was so exciting it was 100% a thriller. from James ( Ex room six member

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