Creative Chaos?

This morning Room 6 got comfortable and continued reading our Chapter Chat book 'Wonder'. Wonder is about a young boy who was born without a cleft palate and from this has needed to have a lot of surgeries to try and correct his face. He is starting school for the first time and must over come new challenges like making friends.

We are learning all about being kind and helping others to fit in as well as reading strategies such as making connections to the text, building inferences, using prior knowledge and asking and answering questions about the book.

We are now creating our own New York subway stations that one of the characters use to get to and from school. We are all very excited and can't wait to share our finished products!



Mrs Knofflock said…
I enjoyed sharing part of the story with you yesterday Room 6 and was intrigued to see the work you had started on your subway stations. I am looking forward to being able to come back in and see the finished products and also hear about the challenges you faced in the creation of these.

Pippa's mum said…
Wow such a great story about finding strength inside yourself. I’m sure the movie will be awesome as well. From Pippa’s mum
Jade said…
Wow I've seen the movie before I really like it. It's a really good story about building up your strength. I hope you guys enjoy the book.

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