A Day of being a Parent

Wooooooooh today was a very tiring day. We had our own 'babies' to look after and boy was it hard work.

We made sure to work with our co-parent to look after, feed, change and entertain our babies for a whole day at school. It was hard to multi-task sometimes!

We have a new found appreciation for all that our own parents have done and do for us.

Here are some photos from our day.


Anonymous said…
Wow! Being a paerent for the day man that must have been fun and fustrating. I wonder if changing them was any fun?

Sienna said…
Wow, all you guys must have been awesome parents! It must have been hard work, changing them, feeding them and entertaining them. Would you ever do it again?
KS said…
What great parenting room 6, the babies look very well cared for :)
Poppys Mum

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