Walk the Length of New Zealand?!!

This term, for maths, we are looking into measurement and fractions. We have signed up for a wonderful School Kit unit called "Walk the Length of New Zealand". This kit allows us to explore all of the different units of measurement and how to convert them into each other.

So far, we have found out our own personal average step lengths so that we can see how many steps we would have to take to walk the length of New Zealand. 

Next we are going to explore perimeters and how to calculate these. We will then convert the perimeter calculations into our own personal steps. For instance; how many steps will it take Jenuli to walk around the netball courts compared to Johnathan?

What do you think? Have a guess and type it into the comments. How many steps will Jenuli need to take to walk around our netball courts and how many steps will Johnathan need to take? Who will take the most steps?


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